Thursday, November 15, 2007

First Post/New Blog

O.K. So I'm a few years late and as always, more than a few dollars short. I've been wanting to set up my own "blog" for awhile now. Of course, being the trend setter that I am (NOT!) I got right on it. I mean seriously people, you are checking out the Blog of a person who has only just recently set up her "page" or whatever you want to call it on Face Book. Not only that but I have also visited YouTube!! Whoo hoo (insert applause break here)!!
So, why am I here. Well, that's a good friggin' question, glad you asked. What do I plan to do while I'm here, another damn good question. I'm going to rant, I'm going to rave, I'm going to post pictures of my Grumpy Hound Dog Abigail. She's the reason for the title, although the whole show's not going to be about her. I mean seriously, she already thinks that the world and all the food contained within it and the surrounding universes revolve around her. All commoners must bow before the Great and Might Hound that is Abigail!! What freakin' ever!!
I'm also going to tell funny stories. I'm going to cuss, alot!! Although, I will try to "edit" the fucks, but expect ALOT of damns, shits and assholes but not necessarily in that order. I'm going to say "seriously" alot because I love Grey's Anatomy and I'm kind of "Dark & Twisty" too! Hmmm? What else, oh yeah, I'm going to tell you about my favorite web-sites, duh!! and !! Yeah, I'm a dog person, I hate cats, get over it!! My first bitch; if you own a cat and you let it run loose in the neighborhood it deserves to be run over or trapped and you should have to pay a fine!! Keep your friggin' cat in the house or on a leash and for crying out loud get the damn things fixed!! People like you suck. There's nothing worse than coming out to get in your car in the morning to find cat footprints and fur encrusted in the dried love juices leftover from the previous nights love tryst on the hood of my car. My only hope being that your damn cat is curled up within my engine compartment so that when I start my car........well you get the picture.
I'm going to try to keep this blog on an even keel (that's a nautical term, are you impressed? If you want to know what it means you'll have to ask me) as far as positive vs. negative content. I'm not one of those super happy go lucky never has anything to complain about life is nothing but puppies, butterflies and rainbows type of person. I know that life really blows sometimes, believe me, I have been passed my share of lemons and don't you dare tell me to make friggin' lemonade. But, I'm also not one of those whiny complaining little piss ants that wouldn't have anything nice to say even if the world really was nuthin' but puppies, butterflies and rainbows! Seriously!!
I already had my first bitch, I'm now going to rave. Thank you to all of the responsible pet owners out there (even the ones that have cats) who have their animals spayed/neutered. It's healthier for them. It keeps the shelter populations down thereby also the number of animals put to sleep every year, hell everyday. The numbers are staggering, it would make you sick to your stomach. Which is good, because maybe you'll get off your lazy ass and do something about it. Every pet should be fixed unless you specifically plan on breeding it. Hell, while we're on the subject of things that need fixing, there are more than a few "humans" who should be fixed. You can start with every person that has ever appeared on the Jerry Springer show, shit, you may as well include the audience while we're at it!!
O.K. , I'm sorry, that rave turned into a rant. It'll probably happen ALOT, seriously!! LOL That's it for now, I think this post is way long enough already. I'll be adding more stuff later, keep checking. I'll close here with a few words from my favorite tiger (no, not Tony) TTFN (ta Ta For Now!!)

1 comment:

Pookie said...

spayed lizzie not spade.

BTW - check this out! Not sure it makes up for the crime but I'm sure he is open to suggestions at this point.