Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

This is the time of year that you're supposed take stock in all the good stuff in your life, the stuff that you're thankful for. Hmmm..... I'm sure that the NATIVE Indians were ever so thankful that the Pilgrims brought with them all kinds of strange disease and cooties they'd never been exposed to which killed alot of them. And I'm equally sure that years later, the NATIVE Indians were estactic over the financial deals which WE offered them for their land. If there is a "race" of people that deserves to be pissed off at "America" it would be our NATIVE "American" Indians!
O.K. that's off my chest. Seriously though, it's time to count your blessings and say thanks. What am I thankful for...
1 : I'm thankful for my grumpy hound, who at this very moment is snoring away by my side. She gives me something to smile and laugh about everyday no matter how grumpy she is or I am.
2 : My Sister and her Husband. They are always there when I need them. Thanks for your support.
3 : Mom & Dad, because they're my mom & dad and they love me no matter what!
4 : I have a job, sure, I'd love to be independently wealthy, but that ain't gonna happen, so the next best thing would be having a job you enjoy. Let's face it, no one really WANTS to work, but if you have to, it's better if it's something you don't mind doing.
5 : My friends. I don't have alot of them, but it's not about quantity when it comes to friends, it's about quality! And I have the 2 very bestest BFF's (Best Friends Forever)in the whole world!
6 : I have what I need but not always what I want. That means I have food in the fridge, a roof over my head, gas in the car.
7 : Prozac, I figure this one's self explanatory
8 : I would say my health, but it hasn't been all that great the past few months. However, it could be a whole lot worse, so I'm thankful anyway that I'm this side of the daisies!!
9 : I live in the United States of America!! We may not be as free as we'd like to think, and we are bombarded with "propaganda" daily in the news. Most people just go about their business with blinders on, as long as they can fill their lives with stuff to make them happy and fulfill their immediate needs/desires they're blissfully happy to follow the herd. But, I just expressed myself in a way that in some countries I would be killed for. So I live in America with all it's faults and I'm proud and I'm glad and it's really not so bad after all is it.
10 : I'm sure that there are things I missed but I can come back to this later, thankfully, LOL

Happy Thanksgiving People

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