Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas Time Is NOT the Right Time

Christmas is here, it's that time of year again. Everyone is happy and joyful and they want nothing more than to spread the cheer. The smell, super soft feel and sight of a puppy under the tree could be just the ticket. What a big mistake that is!!
Some ridiculous figure like 90% of all dogs and puppies (we don't like furry things of the feline persuasion here, but the same thing goes for them) that are given as gifts are given up, dropped off at a shelter or "set free" within one year. These are sweet, innocent little lives that find themselves infinitely loved one minute and tossed to the wolves the next.
Puppies turn into dogs rather quickly. Puppies need alot more than a pretty collar. They need a lifetime commitment that can hopefully last into the teen years. They need food, water, playtime, walks, potty training, more potty training, vet visits, a roof over their heads, patience.
Before you get that furry thing for under the tree this year, make sure that the recipient is ready and willing to make that life-long commitment of responsibility and that they are financially able to take that furry friend in.
Remember, a reputable breeder WILL NOT breed for the Holiday season, they know better. On the other hand, there are plenty of puppy mill puppies out there. Their breeders don't care one way or the other, they just want your money!
Think twice and do the right thing!!! If you're absolutly dead set on getting a pooch, GO TO THE POUND, give a lonely heart a loving home, they NEVER forget!!
Happy Howl-i-days to all!! Remember these infamous words of wisdom from Bob Barker, " Have your pet Spayed or Neutered!"

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