Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cracker Jack Box

I commute 25.5 miles to work one way, everyday, Monday through Friday. I certainly don't do it by choice, I go where the money is. But, sometimes I wonder if it's really worth it. Hmm, I mean Seriously, think about it for a minute. I drive all those extra miles, spend a ton of money on gas (don't even get me started on the price of gas, that's a whole other ball game there people) not to mention the tolls. Then we have to consider wear and tear on the car, more frequent oil changes, tires etc. Plus, I spend a half hour to 45 minutes in the morning and evening doing all that driving, how much is my time worth? It's no wonder that I see people doing things in their car that they should be doing in the privacy of their homes, they don't have any time left, it's all spent driving to and from a place we don't really want to be in the first place. So I ask you, is it worth it? Or am I spending all the extra money I'm making at a job I have to commute to, commuting to it?
I don't mind the commute, I really don't. What I mind, what really bugs me, puts that proverbial bee in my bonnet, is the way that some people drive. I mean Seriously, it's pretty freakin' scary out there!! Ok people, pay attention, do you see that space in front of me? The one between myself and the car in front of me, that's what's called a "safe stopping distance". You may remember what that is from when you took the test to get your drivers license. Basically, it's equal to 1 car length for every 10 miles an hour at which you are travelling. Weaving in and out of traffic to get around me and fill up that space has done absolutly nothing except make driving conditions more hazardous. We are all still doing the same speed except you're 20 feet closer to your destination, well la de fucking da for you!!
The funniest part is when we go to get off the turnpike, I have Sunpass!! Let's me zip right through the gate. You, Mr. Moron-Accident-Waiting -to -Happen do not. Ha haa ha. Guess what, I'm in front of you again. Besides, we both have to stop at the grocery store on the way home so what difference did it make?. I mean Seriously, where are you in such a rush to get too?
In closing, I'd like to leave you with a few unwritten road rules. Read 'em, do 'em!!
#1- The inside/left lane of the highway is for passing and people who speed. If you're out for a Sunday drive get your stupid, slow-poke ass in the right lane. That goes for big rigs to, you guys should know better.
#2- (a)As a general rule, if the street lights are on so should your head lights. Is it raining? Turn your fucking lights on you moron!!
(b) If it's raining really hard, like white out conditions and you feel the need to turn on your hazards as well as your headlights, then the only place you should be is on the side of the road. Because for people who are still driving, your hazards make it look like you actually are on the side of the road thus giving us a false sense of where the road actually is.
#3- Use your goddamn turn signals and turn them off when you're done, unless you plan on circling the earth in 80 days

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