Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer is Here and It's Hotter'n Heck!!

The other day I had been running around, doing errands, visiting my sister and stuff like that. Abigail, my co-pilot, was with me, eager for any excuse to take a ride in the car! When we got back to the house about 4:00 pm., the hottest part of the day around these parts. I parked the van in the street, got out, opened the side door and started grabbing all my goodies to take into the house. So, here I am, baking in the sun, wrestling with the dog on her leash, my ever present oxygen tank, my purse, a couple bags of groceries and some papers and mail. Usually Abigail's pretty good about this sort of thing and kind of hangs out at the end of her leash, eager to get inside for her Good Girl Cookie! But she's not! She's pacing back and forth between myself and the van getting in my way. She's kind of in my blind spot, underneath all the stuff in my hands, so I take a step back and I'm just about ready to let loose with, "Get out of the way you dang dog!" when I realize what she's doing.
She was pacing back 'n forth in what little protection the van provided on the hot pavement. Poor little thing!! Hence the reason for my current blog entry. Sometimes, we forget that our furry friends are walking around barefooted. The pads on their feet DO NOT provide adequate protection from the blistering sun. Remember that the black top, pavement, tar, what ever you want to call it, is even hotter because its color (black) absorbs the heat. Even the lighter color of the cement which most sidewalks are made of, can be extremely hot during these summer months. I've noticed when walking Abigail during the summer, she tends to walk in the grass where as during the cooler months, she'll stick to the sidewalk. Momma didn't raise no fool!!
So, remember your little buddies tender feet and provide allowances, either walking in the grass or waiting until the sun has begun to go down. Kick your shoes off and stand there on the pavement for about 30 seconds or so and see if it's tolerable. A dogs love is unconditional and they are loyal to a fault, which means that they will burn the heck out of their feet if that means being with you. Hopefully, dear reader, you have enough brains for the both of you!! ;) Enjoy the summer............................. Oh yes, I almost forgot, I seriously hope that I don't have to remind you about leaving your buddy in a hot car during the summer, even for the briefest of moments, big No No !!

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