Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4th Sky Flowers

It's the 4th of July!! Whoopee!! Today, we celebrate our Independence!!

I'm not going to rant or rave today, what's the point, no one listens anyway............... big "SIGH".......... I live in a semi small town and my apartment is in the old "downtown" area, which the city is fixing up real nice. The city is doing alot of things to unite the community and most of it centers around the area I live in. OK, picture this, if you walk 5 blocks South on my street you wind up in the heart of downtown and if you walk 5 blocks North, well then you're at the new Lake Front park which is VERY nice. Now, I'm not a big fan of parades but whenever this little hick town has a parade, it goes right down my street. Ordinarily, I wouldn't make any kind of effort to go to a parade but when the thing's in your front yard and all you have to do is walk out your front door...... well what the heck, twist my arm I say! I found out about the parade route the hard way, as I recall I was roused from a peaceful slumber by some high school band butchering Jingle Bells or something along those lines. Which brings me to the reason for my post.

Today was July 4th 2008, the 4th of July, the day we celebrate our Independence, Independence Day. Hot dogs, apple pie, BBQ, beer, drunken neighbors and fireworks! The fireworks, or sky flowers as I like to call them, are set off out over the lake from a barge. Do you remember how far I said I was from the lake? Of course you don't, it's 5 blocks dumb ass, pay attention, seriously!! Poor pathetic me, I didn't have anyone to share the holiday with, screw it!! I didn't feel like messing with all the idiots and trying to park anyway. Then I had an epiphany (a thought, like a light bulb coming on) I have a new handy dandy hadicapped parking thingy for the car. I can drive right down there, get a primo spot, sit right in the back of the van with the dog. Plus, I'll be right there at the car, in my primo spot and I can get out of there just as easily as I got in!! How cool is that? So anyway, here is the video of the last 5 minutes of the fireworks including the Grande Finale!!

In case you're wondering why I call them sky flowers in the title, go watch "Land of the Dead". Also, Abigail really is a good dog, she just hates it if something has my attention other than her. She was acting a little "needy" but she really is a very good little basset hound!!

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