Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Long Live LOST

Well, it's over!! Six years and a writer's strike later and it's all over. No more waiting all summer long to find out what happened, or worse, having to wait until January or February. No more counting down the day to the beginning of the next season. I'd like to say that there are no more questions, that all our questions got answered but that would be a lie. For the most part, the biggest and most imprtant questions got answered. There were far to many little things that had to be left to the imagination, something that alot of viewers forgot about.

I watched LOST alomost from the beginning. My dear brother-in-law got me hooked after the first couple episodes. While my best friend ensured that I continue watch, often times calling me after an episode to dicuss the show in depth. We all watched religiously since then, never missing a show, ok fine, sometimes I had to tape it. My point being is that while we all watched the entire series. While we may have been watching the same show it's very odd how the three of us came away from it with a completely different perspective. He doesn't get it, I do and she still has a million questions.

I think there are 3 catagories of people who watched LOST. There are people like him, who just watched the show and enjoyed it for what it was. There are people like me, I watched the show but I also got into all the background stories and the symbology and the history of the Island. And then there are people like my best friend. She watched the show too and she got into the whole Island stuff, but she also read all the blogs and visited the websites etc. So you have the casual viewer, the avid watcher and the fanatic (love you girl, you know who you are). I'm the only one that still doesn't have questions. Ha ha.

There were a few things that bugged me about the show, little things they did that weren't possible. The biggest would be the whole blowing up the submarine while you're on it and escaping. First of all, the sub was in a lagoon!! But supposedly they "dove" right away, how is this possible? They would have to get pretty far out before they would even be able to think about diving, at least past the breakwater. Yet somehow, they're diving in a lagoon. Ok, so we get past that. Now it blows up, well it doesn't actually blow up, but a big ol' hole gets blown in the side. Yet, somehow, despite all the water rushing in and the ensuing chaos, a few people make it out. Pretty damn amazing!! And oh, yeah, they make it to shore, to be as deep as we were lead to believe they would have one hell of a swim to shore and yet they made it. An intersting note here, because it happened several times on the show, you can't swim in a pair of jeans. Go ahead, try it? Once they're wet, they weigh about 40 pounds, that's gonna wear you out in about 2 minutes. And yet, somehow on LOST, people are able to swim great distances wearing jeans, sometimes even with backpacks full of C-4.

You can't knit pick about these things, because like I said to my beloved brother-in-law, it's TV, it's not real!!! The writers have to be allowed a certain amount of "artistic license" in able to tell their story. I'm not going to knit pick. What I am going to do is rewatch all 6 seasons again, and again. There has never been a show as groundbreaking as LOST and there won't be another for a long time to come. In a way, I'm glad it's over, this is what the writers wanted. If the execs had their way they would have made the writers stretch it out forever until the viewers were so sick of filler episodes like Nikki & Palo, that eventually the ratings would fail. If that had been the case it may have ended abruptly leaving us no closing. Goodbye LOST, you will be missed.

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