Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

Today we celebrate our Independence!!
The legal seperation of our original 13 colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain. We actually "declared" our independence on July 2nd, however, Congress had to get in there and muck about. It took Congress another 2 days to revise and finally approve the Declaration of Independence, making it official on July 4th. There are still some debates as to when it was signed, historians believe that it was signed on August 2nd, nearly a month later. No one knows for sure, but sign it they did and Free we are!!! So grab a hotdog or a burger, a nice chilly beverage, watch a parade and some fireworks and above all else........... be grateful that you live in America. If you don't like it here, that's ok, being free means that you're free to LEAVE at any time. So don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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