Monday, July 19, 2010

Spaghetti Sauce & Toilet Paper

There are 2 very different schools of thought concerning these two things. There's really only 2 ways to either of them. There's the right way and the wrong way of course. With spaghetti sauce it's either sweet or it's not and with T.P, it's either over or under. It all depends on where you were raised and by whom as to which side you're on.

Spaghetti Sauce. I'm talking about your classic red tomato sauce that most people in America consider spaghetti sauce. Not white sauce, like alfredo, or a butter sauce, yuck. No, I'm talking about good old American red pasta sauce. Back when I was a kid we made it from scratch and I think this is where the division started because there's one big secret to making spaghetti sauce from scratch. You DO NOT use sugar!! What? I swear, it's the truth. It seems that people put sugar in their spaghetti sauce to cover up the tartness and acidity of the tomatoes. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret that most mechanics know, baking soda neutralizes acid. So..... don't put sugar in your pasta sauce. Drop a teaspoon or so of baking soda in there and it neutralizes the acid in the tomatoes. You'll see a tell tale foam on top of your sauce so you know it's working. Some people get indigestion from homemade sauce, if you try this technique, you nip it in the bud because it's the acid in the tomatoes that's causing the problems!! There are generations of people out there that think red pasta sauce is supposed to be sickeningly sweet, I feel sorry for you cause you're really missing out on the way it's supposed to be. It's OK though, it's what you're used to and you don't know any beter ;)

Toilet Paper There's no secrets here, it's just one of those things. Do you take your TP from the top? Or reach under and grab it from the back? I've seen people nearly come to blows over this argument. I know that it was always a source of irritation in my family when I was growing up. In fact, there was a running joke that my father started. The Italian side of the family, that would be myself, my brother and him, did it the right way, which would be from the top; where as the Polish side of the family, being my sister and mother, did it the wrong way, from the back. It wasn't until years later that I found out mom wasn't Polish and that dad was just being a doofus. But it stuck and still to this day it irkes me if the TP roll is "wrong". I have even gone so far as to change the roll at work and hotels etc. Call it an OCD thing.

So what about you? Do you like your spaghetti sauce sweet or not? How about your TP? From the top or the back? Remember, no fights!!

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