Friday, July 29, 2011

Times, they are a changin'!

Remember the big video wars of the 80's? Beta or VHS, then there were the 10" video discs followed by dvd's and now blu-ray. It was just a few years ago that I finally got around to updating all my VHS movies to DVD copies. My movie collection is extensive, in the hundreds, I am NOT converting them all to Blu-Ray, I can't afford to!! LOL
In the past several months every video rental store in town has closed. Most people get their movies streamed right to their tv, mailed directly to their home or pick one up at these vending machine things called RedBox. Of course BlockBuster Video had to get in on that action and came out with their own version.
What's going on with books........... or the lack of books. Book stores are closing!! Closing!! Are libraries next? I'm going to miss curling up with a paperback. The smell of the paper, whether it's brand new, crisp and crinkly or old and musty with tattered cover and yellowed pages. A book like that shows it was loved and read and reread and good enough to be passed on to friends and family. I just can't see myself curling up with a cuppa joe or a margartia on the beach with a rectangular hunk of plastic technology. It's just not the same.
Some people have their entire music collection on their I-pods or other similar electronic device. What happens if you lose it, or your computer gets a virus? I don't want my music collection floating around in cyber space? I want a hard copy, something tangible that I can hold in my hands, I can't hold a megabyte or a pixel. Speaking of music, when did all my favorite bands start playing elevator music?
Here's something to think about, bar codes. I remember a time before barcodes. Now there are new codes that are turning up in magazine and newspaper ads that you can scan with your cell phone!! Which brings me to another interesting topic, what about phones? OMG, have they changed or what!! It used to be a sign of prestige to have a pager, do they even make pagers anymore? There's really no need for a home phone anymore, I mean why would anyone pay for something that's attached to your wall, when you can take a nifty little device that fits in your pocket and has internet access. As for texting, I think it's stupid, totally and completely lame. If you have something to tell someone, you call them and tell them, leave a message if they don't answer or call them back later. But you see, I still send "thank you" notes and write actual letters to people, it's called corresponding and it's fast becoming a lost art.
About those newspapers and magazines I just mentioned, those will be going by the wayside soon enough and you won't have to worry about those new fancy pixel looking codes that your phone can scan, nope, because your kindle thingy is in color now and it has internet capabilities just like a small laptop. You'll be able to get your newspaper and magazines delivered to your kindle and the ads will be there and all you'll have to do is "click". The advertisers will know exactly which ads to send you because they monitor everything you click on, what books you read, what websites you visit. It's a little thing called demographics, and it's big business to help you spend money on the stuff they wanna sell you.
Scary stuff out there boys and girls.

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