Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas From a Dogs Perspective

My Grumpy Hound, Abigail, has her own page on Dogster, you can check it out by clicking on her link over there on the left hand side. For the uninitiated, Dogster is kind of like a MySpace/FaceBook for your furry friend. Anyway, we (that would be Abigail & I) regularly visit one of the message boards there called "Basset Hounds Rock" and that is where we found this poem posted. I found a few other interesting things of which I will share in the coming days but I don't want to give you a brain overload. Seriously! Enjoy!! ;)

Christmas From A Dogs Perspective
byShel Silverstein

Tonight's my first night as a watchdog,
And here it is, Christmas eve!
The children are sleepin' all cozy upstairs,
While I'm gaurding the Stockin's and Tree.
What's THAT now ... footsteps on the rooftop?
Could it be a c-a-t or a mouse?
Who's THIS down the chimney?
A thief with a beard and a big sack for robbin' the house?
I'm barkin'...I'm growlin'...I'm bitin' his butt,
He howls and jumps back in his sleigh.
I scared his strange horses, they leap in the air.
I've frightened the whole bunch away!
Now the house is all peaceful and quiet again,
The stockings are safe as can be
Won't the kiddies be glad when they wake up tomorrow...
And see how I've gaurded the tree!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A blog for dogs? This is preposterous. How is a dog going to type on the keyboard? They'er all paws. Funny little post you got.


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