Friday, February 22, 2008

Game Shows

Game Shows, Wow!! There are alot of them out there and most of them are pretty stupid. I don't really watch game shows but there are two old favorites that are on right when I'm sitting down for dinner. It's hard to resist Alex, Pat and Vanna even if it's just for old times sake while I'm scarfing down some kibble! These two shows, as well as The Price Is Right, have really stood the test of time. The later of which is just not the same without Bob, sorry Drew.

While some things have changed others have stood the test of time. I remember the early days of Wheel of Fortune, when you could go shopping with the money you just won. There would be several different set-ups to choose from and each one had kind of a theme to it. It was interesting to see the sort of choices people would make, one person might pick the fine china while the next guy picks a pinball machine. Good ol' Vanna, still looking fine after all these years of turning them letters. She's got it easy now though, in the old days she used to actually have to turn those letters but now all she has to do is touch the screen and not fall down in those high heels.

Then there's Alex, Mr. Trebek. I give him credit just for pronouncing all those foreign words. He and the writers must have a meeting before every show where they go over the proper pronunciation of at least 100 words. I like to watch Jeopardy though because I'm a strong believer in learning something new everyday!! If I get one question right during the entire show then I'm on a roll but I always learn something new and totally useless.

Now for the real reason I started this entry 3 weeks ago. On every gameshow at some point you get the inevitable introduction to that day's contestants. Usually they mention some useless factoid about themselves like maybe they collect butterflies or something but always always always they mention their beautiful kids and wonderful spouse. Do any of these people ever have butt ugly kids or a druken louse for a spouse? Just once I'd like to hear the truth from these people, like "Yeah , Alex, I've got 2 kids, my oldest daughter's the class slut while her younger brother spends his time surfing the net for porn. My husband goes to court next week for his 3rd DUI and I can't hold a job because I'm hooked on cough medicine so I could really use the money!!" Oh yeah and for crying out loud people, stop clapping for yourselves, it's stupid and irritating and the wheel aint gonna spin any faster! Geesh!!

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